Microtel Series 500 User Manual

Page 14

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CPU Card

The CPU card must occupy J1, the left most circuit card connector on the System Bus.
The CPU Card contains the system’s primary microprocessor, program and data
memory, and interface circuitry for the other cards connected to the bus. The card has
a socket for a lithium battery which must be enabled
to provide ongoing operation
for the Real Time Clock, also located on the CPU Card. To enable the CPU battery,
refer to the System Maintenance section of this manual.


Telephone Interface Card

The Telephone Interface Card must occupy J5, right-most circuit card connector on the
System Bus. The Telephone Interface card contains circuitry to connect the system to
the telephone network and to provide electrical protection to both the system and the
telephone network. The telephone line to which the system is connected plugs into the
RJ11C jack located on the Telephone Interface Card.


I/O Bus Assembly

The I/O Bus is located in the bottom section of the chassis, to the right of the battery
well. The I/O contains five circuit card connectors, into which the system’s I/O option
cards are to be inserted. The I/O option cards, such as the 8 channel Digital Input Card,
the four channel Analog Input Card, the four channel Digital Output Card, and the
Printer Output Card are connected to the sensors and outputs which the system is to
monitor and control during operation. The I/O Bus card connects to bus interface
circuitry located on the System Bus card, using a flat ribbon connector and cable.

The I/O Bus Card also distributes power from the Power Supply Card to the balance of
the system. The I/O Bus Card has a six-conductor cable and plug assembly which
plugs into the connector posts provided on the Power Supply Card. The System Bus
Card has a five-conductor cable and plug assembly which plugs into the connector
posts provided on the I/O Bus Card.

The I/O Bus Card also contains an Alarm-In-Process relay, which is activated whenever
the system is trying to reach someone over the telephone network. This relay may be
used to power an external alarm signaling device.


Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation Card (ADPCM)

The ADPCM Card plugs into System Bus slot 2, 3, or 4. The Card contains all circuitry
necessary to articulate any speech programmed into the system by the user. The
system also has an internal vocabulary sufficient to provide default messages for each
channel, and to provide prompting for operation conducted over the telephone
connection. The system CPU delivers speech data from the REAL VOICE MEMORY
Card to the ADPCM card during system operation. The ADPCM Card contains a jack