Microtel Series 500 User Manual

Page 50

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Use the cursor keys to highlight the desired Digital Output Channel within the selected
Output Card, and select the channel using the SELECT key. The LCD panel will then
display the detailed information for that individual Digital Output Channel.


Putting the System into the Active or Run Mode

The system may be placed into the active Run mode by pressing the RUN key. Before
the system will place any calls, it must be programmed with valid telephone numbers,
and the faults which occur must specify valid Call Lists as programmed above. During
Run and Halt mode activities, all channels are monitored and all channels receive
updates on condition, totalizer, time-in-alarm, and total time value. If the dialer is able to
make calls, the message window on the System Status Screen (available by depressing
the HALT key) will display the message, [*Call Mode is Active*].


Putting the System into the Inactive or Halt Mode

The system may be taken out of the active Run mode by depressing the HALT key.
Because the system is engaged in so may activities, it may take several seconds for the
system to gracefully disengage from one function and return to the Halt mode. When
the system does achieve the Halt mode, the Current Mode indicator on the LCD panel
will verify it. The system will also return the display to the System Status Screen as
shown in the Current Screen portion of the LCD display panel. When the dialer is in a
mode where it will not place calls, the message window will display the message, [*Call
Mode is Not Active*].


When an Alarm Occurs

If the system is in the Run Mode and it detects a valid fault or Alarm condition, it will
begin to dial the telephone numbers associated with that channel if the following
conditions are true: