Time stamp data type must have a value, Unable to check out item” error, Linking only child component attributes – Kofax Ascen 7.0 Release Script User Manual
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Ascent® 7.0 Release Script for IBM DB2 Content Manager Enterprise 8.3/8.4 Release Notes
Kofax, Inc.
The following will succeed.
You link all your child attributes. For example:
Workaround: Make sure that the minimum cardinality of each set of multiple values entered in
each child component attribute is equal, even if the attribute value is left blank.
Required Child Component Attributes and Minimum Cardinality of Zero
If the minimum cardinality for a child component is equal to zero and one or more of its child
attributes are required, Content Manager will allow you to release even if the child attribute
values are unlinked or left blank. The release script will not fail as expected. This is due to a
problem with IBM Content Manager. (IBM PMR 59297, 756; Kofax SPR 30207)
Workaround: Make sure that the minimum cardinality for a child component is greater than or
equal to one. This ensures that all the required and non-required child attributes must be linked.
Refer to Minimum Cardinality Not Met on page 36.
Time Stamp Data Type Must Have a Value
If you leave the Time Stamp data type field blank and release, release will not fail as expected.
Instead, a document will be created on the Content Manager back end with a blank Time Stamp
attribute. (SPR 00009820)
Workaround: Make sure that the Time Stamp data type you are releasing is not left blank.
“Unable to Check Out Item” Error
If you attempt to release simultaneously using multiple release workstations, you may receive the
following error message. (SPR 00009897)
Release Error: Script #1 (IBM Content Manager Enterprise 8.3/8.4) [0 DGL0546A: Unable
to check out item : (STATE) : [LS RC=7400]. If you are releasing to folders, the
destination folder might be in use or checked out. The destination folder must be
checked in before documents can be released to it.]
When simultaneously releasing to multiple workstations, be aware that workstations may attempt
to check out the same folder. When this occurs, the first workstation that requested the folder will
be able to check out that folder, subsequent workstations will receive the error message and their
batch will be routed to the Ascent Capture Quality Control module.
Workaround: Unreject the batch in the Ascent Capture Quality Control module and process the
batch again to release it.
Linking Only Child Component Attributes
If you attempt to release with only the child component attribute linked and the parent level
attribute is unlinked, release will fail with an error message. (SPR 00013984)
Workaround: When releasing linked child component attributes, make certain that the parent
level attribute is also linked.