Multi-value separator option, Searching for folder child component attributes, Sharing data among release scripts – Kofax Ascen 7.0 Release Script User Manual

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Ascent® 7.0 Release Script for IBM DB2 Content Manager Enterprise 8.3/8.4 Release Notes


Kofax, Inc.

Multi-value Separator Option

The Multi-value separator option as specified on the General Settings tab, allows you to enter only

valid printable ASCII characters. This option cannot contain the following characters:


Carriage return




New line






The multi-value separator should not be part of your value. For example, if you specify

a period (.) as one of your values and you specify the period as the Multi-value separator option,

the release script will assume the value is the separator.

Searching for Folder Child Component Attributes

This release script does not support searching for folder child component attributes. Therefore, if

you perform a search based on the root attributes only, the values for the child components will be

lost when the search routine finds an existing folder. This occurs because the existing folder is not

updated at release. To avoid this, you will need to ensure that new folders are created at release

time. You can do the following:


Use root attribute values that are unique and do not already apply to existing folders in the

DB2 Content Manager system.


Clear all the Search check boxes, which will force the release script to create a new folder.

Sharing Data Among Release Scripts

The Ascent Capture Release Script Information Interchange feature is useful when more than one

release script has been configured for a particular batch class and document class combination.

The sharing of information is accomplished by allowing the release scripts to pass information to

other release scripts. The Ascent Capture Value {Repository Document ID} is used to store and

retrieve the RepositoryDocumentID that will be used by the first invoked release script. Therefore,

the first release script that runs can set this value, and subsequent release scripts can read the same


Notice that when you are passing the RepositoryDocumentID information to a different release

script, the release script must exist within the same document class using multiple release. In

addition, the release script that is passing the RepositoryDocumentID information must be placed

first in the list on the Release Scripts dialog box. For example:

IBM DB2 Content Manager Enterprise 8.3/8.4
Ascent Capture Text

Only the first release script can set the RepositoryDocumentID value. Subsequent release scripts

can only read this value.

Refer to your Ascent Capture Help for more information about configuring the

RepositoryDocumentID. You can display Ascent Capture Help from the Help menu available

from any Ascent Capture module. Alternatively, you can click Start | Programs | Ascent

Capture | Ascent Capture Help.