Pcs — stereo pitch change – Yamaha FX900 User Manual

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PCS — stereo Pitch Change

Like the preceding PCM program, the PCS program produces two pitch-shifted notes, but these can be produced independently for

the ieft- and right-channel signals.


+4 +8 650.0


+5 +8 325.0


+30 THRU


+30 THRU


ST L=R 10


OFF 50


PCL f1


Pitch Shift: -12 — 4-121

PCR f2nd Pitch Shift: -12 — *121

These two parameters set the pitch of the left- (PCL) or right-
chanel (PCR) pitch-shifted note between one octave beiow

(-12) and one octave above (+12) the input note.

FINL (1st Fine Tuning: -100 — +1001
FINR (2nd Fine Tuning: -100 — +100)

Permit fine tuning of the left- or right-channel pitch-shifted
note in 1-cent steps (1 cent is 1/100th of a semitone).

DLYL fist Delay Time: 0.1 — SSO.OmsI
DLYR (2nd Delay Time: 0.1 — SSO.OmsI

The DLYA and DLYB parameters determine the time delay
between input of the original note and output of the left- or

right-channel pitch-shifted note.

FBL (Left Channel Feedback: -100 — +100%!
FBR (Right Channel Feedback: -100 — +100%)

When one of these parameters is set to 0, oniy a single pitch-
shifted sound is produced in the corresponding channei after
the DELAY time has elapsed. As the value is increased,
however, more and more deiayed repeats are produced,
each pitch-shifted up or down from the previous repeat
according to the settings of the PCL or PCR parameter.

LPFL (Left Channel Low-oass Frequency: 1 .OkHz —11 kHz. THRU!
LPFR (Right Channel Low-oass Frequency: 1 .OkHz — 11 kHz. THRU)
Sets the cutoff frequency of the left- or right-channel low-pass

filter. The "THRU" setting bypasses the fiiter.

TYPE /Input Mix Type: ST. MON01

Determines whether the left- and right-channel input signais

will be fed independently to the left- and right-channel
processing circuitry (ST), or mixed and then fed to the effect


L/R fLeft/Rlaht Balance: L50 — L1. L=R. R 1 — R501
Sets the balance between the left- and right-chanel pitch-

shifted notes. A setting of "L50," for exampie, produces oniy
the sound of the left-channel note. "L=R" produces both
channels in equal balance. "R50" produces only the sound of
the right-channel note.

WIDfWIdth: 0 — 1001

Determines the strength of a feeiing of "width" between the
left and right channels. The lower the value, the more the left-
and right-channel pitch-changed notes a mixed, reducing the

feeling of stereo width.

KEY /Base Kev: OFF. C1 — C61

This parameter sets the "base key" for an external MIDI
synthesizer used to controi the amount of pitch change
produced. Refer to the previous effect (PCM).

MIXfMlxlna:0 —100%1
Sets the balance between the direct and pitch-changed

LVL /Output Level:

-30 — +6 dB1

Determines the output level of the PCS effect.