ITC Hemochron Response Whole Blood Coagulation System User Manual
Page 6

Materials Provided
RS232 Computer Interface Cable
Materials Required But Not Provided
Article Quantity
Electronic System Verification Tube
HEMOCHRON Test Tube Assays
As Needed
HEMOCHRON Liquid Quality Control
As Needed
Temperature Verification Tube
As Needed
idms v7.1 or later (Integrated Data Management System)
As Needed
Note: A power cord is provided only in those countries that provide 110 volt power.
Connecting External Components
An IBM-compatible laboratory computer and a serial or a parallel external printer can be used with the
system. The connector ports for these devices are located at the rear of the instrument (Figure 2).
Important: The power cord must be disconnected and the power to the personal computer and the
printer must be switched OFF while connections are being made.
Figure 2. Location of Connectors
Connecting a Printer
If a serial printer is used, set the printer communication parameters to 9600 baud with no parity, 8 data
bits and 1 stopbit using XON/XOFF 3-wire software protocol. No special preparation is needed when
connecting a parallel printer. For additional information, contact ITC Technical Service.
Obtain a printer cable (not included). Refer to page 39 for serial printer cable information.
Connect one end of the printer cable to the port marked PRINTER (for a parallel printer) or
COM 1 or COM 2 (for a serial printer) (Figure 2).
Connect the other end of the printer cable to the printer.
Specify use of an external printer (page 19).
Article Quantity
HEMOCHRON Response Whole Blood Coagulation Instrument
AC/DC Power Module ITC Part Number HR1283
Power cord (see note below)
Seiko Thermal Paper
1 roll
Operator’s Manual
HRDM V3.0 software program
Printer Paper Door
COM 1 Serial Port
Parallel Printer Port
COM 2 Serial Port
AC/DC Power Module
Printed From ITC Intranet