Barranca Diamond CAB COMBO WORKSHOP User Manual
Page 17

PUMP SET-UP (continued)
Keep the water hose away from the electric motor and belt guard to prevent damage from moving
parts and electric shock hazard. The pump should always be used with clear, clean water so as to
avoid grit/abrasive material or rock fragments from scratching the gemstones during polishing. For op-
timal water flow, adjust both the pump and the brass intake valve to their fully open positions. Should
less water be desired, turn the brass lever on the inlet valve to restrict flow to the hood (fig 25).
The three stainless needle valves (fig 27) are for fine control of water to each of the three grinding
and polishing stations. For best results, close the valves to the stations not in use. To shut off flow to
a needle valve, simply turn the grey ribbed knob clockwise until it closes to a firm stop (do not over-
tighten). To open maximum flow to a needle valve, simply turn the grey ribbed knob counterclockwise
until the valve stops.
Fig 27 - The three stainless needle
Fig 28 - Drain valves in the open
A length of 3/8" ID tubing is provided with the Cab Combo Workshop for drainage of excess water
from the front base of the reservoir where the two drain valves are located within the reservoir base
(fig 28).
To drain off the excess build-up of cooling water on the diamond wheels and expandable drum belts,
connect length of 3/8" ID clear tubing to each drain valve (fig 28) and route them into a 5 gallon collec-
tion bucket for dirty water.
Do not recycle dirty water from the drain valves into a collection bucket for pumping back up to the
intake valve on the rear of the hood as the contaminants (rock grit, slurry and abrasive particles) will
likely scratch the gemstone material being worked and possibly clog the stainless steel water control