Netopia Router PN Series User Manual

Page 283

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network number: A unique number for each network in an internet.
AppleTalk network numbers are assigned by seed routers, to which
the network is directly connected. An isolated AppleTalk network
does not need a network number.

network number remapping: Resolves network number conflicts
when two or more AppleTalk networks that may have duplicate
network numbers are connected together. The Netopia ISDN Router
lets you set up a range of network numbers into which remote
AppleTalk network numbers are remapped.

network range: A unique set of contiguous numbers associated
with an extended network; each number in a network range can be
associated with up to 253 node addresses.

node: See


non-seeding: A router setting that causes it to request network
number and zone information from any other routers on the network
connected to the non-seeding port. If it receives this information, it
begins to route packets through that port. See

also hard seeding,

seeding, seed router, and soft seeding.

NT1: Local ISDN equipment that terminates an ISDN line. In most
countries, the NT1 is built into the ISDN wall jack. In the United
States and Canada, users must provide the NT1. See also


interface, U interface.

packet: A group of fixed-length binary digits, including the data and
call control signals, that are transmitted through an X.25
packet-switching network as a composite whole. The data, call
control signals, and possible error control information are arranged
in a predetermined format. Packets do not always travel the same
pathway but are arranged in proper sequence at the destination
side before forwarding the complete message to an addressee.
Contrast with Frame Relay Frame.

Packet-Switching Network: A telecommunications network based
on packet-switching technology, wherein a transmission channel is
occupied only for the duration of the transmission of the packet.
Contrast with Frame Relay Network.

PAP (PPP authentication protocol): A method for ensuring secure
network access.