Netopia Router PN Series User Manual

Page 113

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IPX Setup


Setting up and using IPX filter sets is a four-step process:


Create the filters to use.


Create the filter sets to use.


Add filters to the filter sets.


Attach the filter sets to the answer profile or to connection

You can configure IPX filters and set up IPX filter sets from the IPX
Filters and Filter Sets screen.

IPX Filters and Filter Sets

Show/Change IPX Packet Filters...

Add IPX Packet Filter...

Delete IPX Packet Filter...

Show/Change IPX Packet Filter Sets...

Add IPX Packet Filter Set...

Delete IPX Packet Filter Set...

Show/Change IPX Sap Filters...

Add IPX Sap Filter...

Delete IPX Sap Filter...

Show/Change IPX Sap Filter Sets...

Add IPX Sap Filter Set...

Delete IPX Sap Filter Set...

Define your filters 1st. IPX Filter Sets refer to, but don't contain, filters.

The items in the IPX Filters and Filter Sets screen are grouped into
four areas:

IPX packet filters

IPX packet filter sets

IPX SAP filters

IPX SAP filter sets

The following sections explain the items in each of these areas.