Netopia Router PN Series User Manual

Page 132

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Reference Guide


Select AppleTalk Routing and toggle to On.


Select AppleTalk Zone Name and enter a name of your choice
(this will apply to both the EtherTalk and LocalTalk networks) to
distinguish your network from the other facilities. The two
different networks will appear in the same zone.


Observe EtherTalk Net Number. This value is the EtherTalk
network number. You may type in a new network number, or
leave the value as it originally appears.


Observe LocalTalk Net Number. This value is the LocalTalk
network number. You may type in a new net number, or leave
the value as it originally appears.


Select AURP Partner Address or Name and enter the AURP
partner’s IP address or domain name. If you do not know the
remote network’s IP address, enter its domain name. Domain
names are the Internet addresses favored by people (for
example:,, etc.). Domain names are
matched to the IP addresses actually used by the router (for


Once you enter the IP address or domain name of the remote
AppleTalk network that you would like to connect to, an
additional field appears. To initiate a connection with an AURP
partner, select Initiate Connection and toggle it to Yes.

Note: Small Office users can only create one AURP partner.


Select Accept AURP Connections and press Return. You have
two choices for accepting AURP connections. A pop-up menu
appears with the options Configured Partners Only or Anyone.
Choosing Configured Partners Only will tell the Router to only
accept a connection from the pre-defined partner. Choosing
Anyone will allow any AURP machine to connect.


Select Tickle Interval (HH:MM:SS) and set the timer to
indicate how often a tickle or ‘are you still there’ packet will be
sent to the remote AppleTalk network.

This parameter can be set between 0 and 100 hours. If this
value is set to 0, the Netopia Router will never send out a tickle