I/o protection, Programmable power-up states, I/o protection -6 programmable power-up states -6 – National Instruments DAQ M Series User Manual

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Chapter 8


NI 6236 User Manual


I/O Protection

Each DI, DO, and PFI signal is protected against overvoltage,
undervoltage, and overcurrent conditions as well as ESD events. However,
you should avoid these fault conditions by following these guidelines.

Do not connect any digital output line to any external signal source,
ground signal, or power supply.

Understand the current requirements of the load connected to the
digital output lines. Do not exceed the specified current output limits
of the digital outputs. NI has several signal conditioning solutions for
digital applications requiring high current drive.

Do not drive the digital input lines with voltages outside of its normal
operating range. The DI, DO, or PFI lines have a smaller operating
range than the AI signals.

Treat the DAQ device as you would treat any static sensitive device.
Always properly ground yourself and the equipment when handling the
DAQ device or connecting to it.

Programmable Power-Up States

By default, the digital output lines (P1.<0..3>/PFI <6..9>) are disabled
(high impedance) at power up. Software can configure the board to power
up with the entire port enabled or disabled; you cannot enable individual
lines. If the port powers up enabled, you also can configure each line
individually to power up as 1 or 0.

Refer to the NI-DAQmx Help or the LabVIEW 8.x Help for more
information about setting power-up states in NI-DAQmx or MAX.