Intel AS/400 RISC Server User Manual
Page 36

Domino-Complementary Processing
Prior to V5R1, processing that did not spend the majority of its time in Domino code was considered
non-Domino processing and was limited to approximately 10-15% of the system capacity. With V5R1,
many applications that would previously have been treated as non-Domino may now be considered as
Domino-complementary when they are used in conjunction with Domino. Domino-complementary
processing is treated the same as Domino processing, provided it also meets the criteria that the DB2
processing is less than 15% CPU utilization as described below. This behavioral change has been made to
support the evolving complexity of Domino applications which frequently require integration with
function such as Java Servlets and WebSphere Application Server. The DSD models will continue to
have a zero interactive CPW rating which allows sufficient capacity for systems management processing.
Please see the section below on Interactive Processing.
In other words, non-Domino workloads are considered complementary when used simultaneously with
Domino, provided they meet the DB2 processing criteria. With V5R1, the amount of DB2 processing on a
DSD must be less than 15% CPU. The DB2 utilization is tracked on a system-wide basis and all
applications on the DSD cumulatively should not exceed 15% CPU utilization. Should the 15% DB2
processing level be reached, the jobs and/or threads that are currently accessing DB2 resources may
experience increased response times. Other processing will not be impacted.
Several techniques can used to determine and monitor the amount of DB2 processing on DSD (and
non-DSD) iSeries servers for V4R5 and V5R1.
Work with System Status (WRKSYSSTS) command, via the % DB capability statistic
Work with System Activity (WRKSYSACT) command
which is part of the IBM Performance Tools
for iSeries, via the Overall DB CPU util statistic
Management Central - by starting a monitor to collect the CPU Utilization (Database Capability)
Workload section in the System Report which can be generated using the IBM Performance Tools for
iSeries, via the Total CPU Utilization (Database Capability) statistic
V5R1 Non-Domino Processing
Since all non-interactive processing is considered Domino-complementary when used simultaneously
with Domino, provided it meets the DB2 criteria, non-Domino processing with V5R1 refers to the
processing that is present on the system when there is no Domino processing present. (Interactive
processing is a special case and is described in a separate section below). When there is no Domino
processing present, all processing, including DB2 access, should be less than 10-15% of the system
capacity. When the non-Domino processing capacity is reached, users may experience increased
response times. In addition, CFINT processing may be present as the system attempts to manage the
non-Domino processing to the available capacity. The announced “Processor CPW” for the DSD models
refers to the amount of non-Domino processing that is supported .
Non-Domino processing on the 270 and 820 DSD models can be tracked using the Management Central
function of Operations Navigator. Starting with V4R5, Management Central provides a special metric
called “secondary utilization” which shows the amount of non-Domino processing. Even when Domino
processing is present, the secondary utilization metric will include the Domino-complementary
processing. And , as discussed above, the Domino-complementary processing running in conjunction
with Domino will not be limited unless it exceeds the DB2 criteria.
Interactive Processing
IBM i 6.1 Performance Capabilities Reference - January/April/October 2008
Copyright IBM Corp. 2008
Chapter 2 - Server Performance Behavior