Intel AS/400 RISC Server User Manual
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interactive utilization - an average for the interval. Since average utilization does not indicate potential
problems associated with peak activity, a second metric (SCIFTE) reports the amount of interactive
utilization that occurred above threshold. Also, interactive feature utilization was reported when printing
a System Report generated from Collection Services data. In addition, Management Central now
monitors interactive CPU relative to the system/partition capacity.
Also in V4R5, a new operator message, CPI1479, was introduced for when the system has consistently
exceeded the purchased interactive capacity on the system. The message is not issued every time the
capacity is reached, but it will be issued on an hourly basis if the system is consistently at or above th e
limit. In V5R2, this message may appear slightly more frequently for 8xx systems, even if there is no
change in the workload. This is because the message event was changed from a point that was beyond the
purchased capacity to the actual capacity for these systems in V5R2.
In V5R1, Collection Services was enhanced to mark all tasks that are counted against interactive capacity
(ref file QAPMJOBMI, field JBSVIF set to ‘1’). It is possible to query this file to understand what tasks
have contributed to the system’s interactive utilization and the CPU utilized by all interactive tasks. Note:
the system’s interactive capacity utilization may not be equal to the utilization of all interactive tasks.
Reasons for this are discussed in Section 2.10, Managing Interactive Capacity.
With the above enhancements, a customer can easily monitor the usage of interactive feature and decide
when he is approaching the need for an interactive feature upgrade.
2.1.2 Disclaimer and Remaining Sections
The performance information and equations in this chapter represent ideal environments. This
information is presented along with general recommendations to assist the reader to have a better
understanding of the iSeries server models. Actual results may vary significantly.
This chapter is organized into the following sections:
y Server Model Behavior
y Server Model Differences
y Performance Highlights of New Model 7xx Servers
y Performance Highlights of Current Model 170 Servers
y Performance Highlights of Custom Server Models
y Additional Server Considerations
y Interactive Utilization
y Server Dynamic Tuning (SDT)
y Managing Interactive Capacity
y Migration from Traditional Models
y Migration from Server Models
y Dedicated Server for Domino (DSD) Performance Behavior
2.1.3 V5R3
Beginning with V5R3, the processing limitations associated with the Dedicated Server for Domino (DSD)
models have been removed. Refer to section 2.13, “Dedicated Server for Domino Performance
Behavior”, for additional information.
IBM i 6.1 Performance Capabilities Reference - January/April/October 2008
Copyright IBM Corp. 2008
Chapter 2 - Server Performance Behavior