Intel AS/400 RISC Server User Manual
Page 112

Save a list of all the cached record data definitions.
This list is saved in the RecordJSPs directory of the
Webfaced application. The actual record definitions
are not saved, just the list of what record definitions
are cached. Once the cache is optimally tuned, this list
can be used to preload the Record Definition cache.
Save List
Drop all the cached definitions.
Clear Cache
Refresh the display of cache elements.
Temporarily sets the cache limit to a new value.
Setting the value lower than the current value will
cause the cache to be cleared as well.
Set Limit
Resets the cache hit and miss counters back to 0.
Reset Counters
Cache Management - Record Definition Loader
As a companion to the Cache Content Viewer tool, there is also a Record Definition Cache Loader tool,
which is also referred to as the Bean Loader. This servlet can be used to pre-load the cache to aid in the
determination of the optimal cache size, and then finally, to pre-load the cache for production use. To
enable this servlet add the following two xml segments in the web.xml file.
Invoking this servlet will present a Web page similar to the following.
IBM i 6.1 Performance Capabilities Reference - January/April/October 2008
Copyright IBM Corp. 2008
Chapter 6 - Web Server and WebSphere