7 coexistence – IBM Switch 9077 User Manual

Page 78

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IBM 9077 SP Switch Router: Get Connected to the SP Switch

ibmSPDepSwTokenA combination of switch_number, switch_chip and

switch_chip_port attributes from the
DependentNode class.

ibmSPDepSwArpThe arp_enabled attribute in the Switch_partition class.

ibmSPDepSwNodeNumberThe switch_node_number attribute in the

DependentNode class.

ibmSPDepIPaddrThe netaddr attribute in the DependentAdapter class.

ibmSPDepNetMaskThe netmask attribute in the DependentAdapter class.

ibmSPDepIPMaxLinkPktThe switch_max_ltu attribute in the Switch_partition


ibmSPDepIPHostOffsetThis attribute stores the difference between the host

portion of a node’s IP address and its
corresponding switch node number. When ARP
is disabled on the SP Switch network, this offset
is subtracted from the host portion of the IP
address to calculate the switch node number.

ibmSPDepConfigStateThe six config states of the dependent node are:

notConfigured, firmwareLoadFailed,
driverLoadFailed, diagnosticFailed,
microcodeLoadFailed, and fullyConfigured, for
use in configuring the adapter.

ibmSPDepSysNameThe syspar_name attribute in the Syspar class.

ibmSPDepNodeStateThe value of nodeUp or nodeDown, to show the status

of the dependent node.

ibmSPDepSwChipLinkThe switch_chip_port attribute in the DependentNode


ibmSPDepNodeDelayThe switch_link_delay attribute in the Switch_partition


ibmSPDepAdminStateThe value of up, down, or reconfigure, indicating the

desired state of the dependent node. If the
dependent node is not in its desired state, the
SNMP agent on the GRF will trigger the
appropriate action to change its state.

2.4.7 Coexistence

Figure 25 shows a single-frame RS/6000 SP in a single partition with a
connection to the GRF. Nodes 1 and 2 are installed with PSSP 2.4. The other
nodes are installed with any other version of PSSP that can coexist with