2 sp switch - fddi connection – IBM Switch 9077 User Manual
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IBM 9077 SP Switch Router: Get Connected to the SP Switch
As you see in the screen shot, the F50’s 9.2 MB/s comes very close to the
theoretical maximum throughput of about 10-11 MB/s. So we decided to put
some stress on the network, as follows:
On two SP21 nodes, we started ftp put commands to the F50, while the F50
was busy, putting data to other SP21 nodes, and observed an aggregate
throughput over the Ethernet adapter of up to 15 MB/s, with more than 35%
collision on the Ethernet and the F50 23% busy.
5.1.2 SP Switch - FDDI Connection
This is quite an easy scenario. It is used to connect workstations equipped
with an FDDI interface card, FDDI hubs, and similar FDDI network devices to
the SP Switch.
Configuration assumptions:
• The SP Switch Router FDDI media card was installed according to Section
4.4, “FDDI Configuration” on page 121, and works properly.
• The SP Switch Router Adapter card was installed according to Section
3.7, “Step-by-Step Media Card Configuration” on page 86, and works
• The SP Switch Router Adapter card and SP processor node Switch
adapters are in the same IP subnet.
• ARP should be enabled on the SP Switch network to provide the most
flexibility in assigning IP addresses (strongly recommended!).
0)f50:/itso/space 32$ ftp
Connected to
220 sp21n01 FTP server (Version 4.1 Tue Mar 17 14:00:13 CST 1998) ready.
Name ( root
331 Password required for root.
230 User root logged in.
ftp> bin
200 Type set to I.
ftp> put bos.obj.ssp.itso /dev/null
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening data connection for /dev/null.
226 Transfer complete.
299878400 bytes sent in 31.95 seconds (9166 Kbytes/s)
local: bos.obj.ssp.itso remote: /dev/null
ftp> quit
221 Goodbye.
(0)f50:/itso/space 33$