6 dependent node mib – IBM Switch 9077 User Manual
Page 77

Router Node
2.4.6 Dependent Node MIB
IBM has defined a dependent node SNMP Management Information Base
(MIB) called ibmSPDepNode. This MIB contains definitions of objects
representing configuration attributes of each dependent node and its state.
The GRF Agent maintains the state and configuration data for each
dependent node using the MIB as a conceptual database.
The MIB defines a single table of up to 16 entries representing the adapter
slots in the GRF. When a slot is populated by an SP Switch Router Adapter,
the entry in the table, accessed using the extension node identifier, contains
the configuration attribute and state values for the adapter in the slot. Also
included in the MIB are the definitions of trap messages sent by the GRF
agent to the SP Extension Node SNMP Manager. A copy of the MIB is
contained in the file /usr/lpp/ssp/config/spmgrd/ibmSPDepNode.my
on the
Control Workstation.
Other SNMP managers in the network can query this MIB table to validate the
configuration and status of the dependent node and GRF. However, only an
SNMP manager using the correct SNMP community name can change the
values in the MIB table.
Following is a listing of MIB entries:
ibmSPDepNodeObject identifier for the dependent node in the MIB
ibmSPDepNodeTableTable of entries for dependent nodes.
ibmSPDepNodeEntryA list of objects comprising a row and a clause in
ibmSPDepNodeTable. The clause indicates
which object is used as an index into the table to
obtain a table entry.
ibmSPDepNodeNameThe extension_node_identifier attribute in the
DependentNode class.
ibmSPDepNodeNumberThe node_number attribute in the DependentNode