Infinite Peripherals SCOM-100 User Manual
Page 4

SCOM-100, User guide
5.4 Defining specific alarm recipients
5.4.1 Set a DI alarm recipient
5.4.2 Set an AI alarm recipient
5.4.3 Clear DI alarm recipients
5.4.4 Clear AI alarm recipients
6. Device status & mode controls
6.1 Setting the device status
6.1.1 RUN (Control) command
6.1.2 Monitor command
6.1.3 Stop command
6.2 Controlling the device status
6.3 Setting the device response
6.3.1 Send response SMS
6.3.2 Response format
6.3.3 Merge concurrent alarms
6.4 Setting up a SMS counter
6.5 Setting date & time
6.6 Setting a GSM PIN
7. Monitoring capabilities
7.1 Monitoring commands
7.2.1 Using the HyperTerminal for configuration
7.2.2 Using the WA Manager for configuration
8. Appendix
8.1 Command reference
8.1.1 General parameter settings
8.1.2 User configuration
8.1.3 Output control & configuration
8.1.4 Input configuration
8.1.5 I/O Functions
8.1.6 RTC & Time scheduling
8.1.7 Monitoring commands
8.2 Troubleshooting
8.3 Technical specifications
8.4 Status LED indications
8.5 Default parameter values
8.6 Setting an I/O expansion module address
8.6.1 GE-DIO-42 digital I/O expansion
8.6.2 GE-AI-4 analog input expansion
8.7 RS232C connector layout