Figure 22: scsi router instance ip address, Figure 22:scsi router instance ip address – HP ISCSI SR2122 User Manual
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Serving Storage to the iSCSI Initiators from the SR2122 over IP
iSCSI SR2122 Storage Router: Getting Started Guide
HP iSCSI Initiator Setup for Windows 2000 and Windows 2003
The iSCSI driver provides a transport for SCSI requests and responses for storage devices;
however, instead of providing a transport for directly attached devices, the driver transports the
SCSI requests and responses between the IP host and the SR2122 via an IP network. The
SR2122, in turn, transports SCSI requests and responses between it and the storage devices
attached to it.
The iSCSI driver for Windows 2000 is included on the SR2122 Solution CD as well as on the
web. . The iSCSI driver for Windows 2003 can be found on the web. See
To begin the installation the user can either insert the SR2122 Solution CD and choose Install
iSCSI Driver from the install menu or by running Setup.exe from the SR2122 Solution CD
directory: iscsi_initiator\HP\Win2K
Follow the prompts on the screen and accept the license agreement and at the iSCSI
Configuration screen, you may enter the SCSI Router Instance IP address that the iSCSI
Initiator is to use for storage. An iSCSI Initiator may communicate with up to eight SCSI
Router Instances.
A reboot is necessary to finish the driver installation.
By entering the SCSI Router Instance IP address during the driver installation the user will save
another reboot as any changes to the driver configuration, add IP address – Remove IP address, will
need a host reboot for the changes to take affect.
For this example we will use the SCSI Router Instance IP address we created earlier.
Enter the SCSI Router Instance IP address in the top frame and click Add.
Figure 22: SCSI Router Instance IP Address
Once the IP address is added click Save then Exit to continue the driver installation.