HP TM 11-6625-2779-14&P User Manual
Page 4

Model 3555B Table of Contents
Number Page Number Page
Model 3555B Transmission and
Noise Measuring Set.................................. 1-1 4-7.
Simplified Peak Detection................................ 4-7
Power Plugs ................................................. 2-1 5-1.
Balanced BNC to 310 Plug .............................. 5-2
Front Panel Controls, Indicators, 5-2.
Level Accuracy Check ..................................... 5-2
and Connectors ......................................... 3-2 5-3.
+20dBm and +30dBm Level
Side Panel Controls and Connectors............. 3-4 Accuracy Check............................................ 5-4
Impedance Matching 3555B to Recorder ...... 3-8 5-4.
Return Loss Test Set-Up.................................. 5-5
Recorder Compatibility Chart ........................ 3-9 5-5.
Filter Response Test Set-Up ............................ 5-5
Simplified Send/Receive Test Set-Up ........... 3-9 5-6.
Bridging Loss Test Set-Up ............................... 5-6
Typical Test Set-Up for Measuring 5-7.
Input Balance Test Set-Up ............................... 5-7
Insertion Loss .......................................... 3-10 5-8.
Troubleshooting Tree..................................... 5-11
Test Set-Up for Measuring 7-1.
Functional Block Diagram .......................... 7-3/7-4
Crosstalk Coupling Loss .......................... 3-11 7-2.
A1 Function Assembly Schematic and
Simple Test for Inductive and Component Location............................... 7-5/7-6
Capacitive Coupling................................. 3-12 7-3.
A2 Range Attenuator and A3 Input
Simplified Block Diagram.............................. 4-1 Amplifier Schematic and Component
Simplified DIAL BAT Function ...................... 4-2 Location.................................................. 7-7/7-8
Simplified NG Function................................. 4-3 7-4.
A4 Filter Schematic and Component
4-4. Simplified Average Detection........................ 4-4 Location................................................ 7-9/7-10
3kHz FLAT and PROGRAM 7-5.
A3 Meter Amplifier, Detector and Series
Weighting Curves ...................................... 4-5 Regulator Schematic and Component
C-MSG and 15kHz FLAT Locations ............................................ 7-11/7-12
Weighting Curves ...................................... 4-6
Number Page Number Page
1-1 Specifications ............................................... 1-0 5-1 Required Test Equipment ................................ 5-1
1-2 Accessory Equipment Supplied..................... 1-2 5-2 75 UNBAL Carrier Accuracy Check.................. 5-3
2-1 Suitable Batteries Meeting 5-3 Carrier 600 BAL and 135 BAL Level
NEDA 202 Specifications........................... 2-1 Accuracy Check............................................ 5-3
3-1 Front, Side and Rear Panel Controls,
5-4 VF/Nm Level Accuracy Checks 600 BAL
Indicators and Connectors ................... 3-3/3-5 and 900 BAL -80 dBm Through +30 dBm ..... 5-4
3-2 Crosstalk Correction Factor ........................ 3-10 5-5 Filter Response Checks ................................... 5-6
3-3 Level Measurement .................................... 3-13 5-6 Front Panel Trouble Analysis ................. 5-12/5-13
3-4 Noise Metallic Measurements ..................... 3-13 5-7 Function Troubleshooting............................... 5-14
3-5 Noise-to-Ground Measurements ................. 3-14 5-8 FUNCTION Switch Resistance Values ........... 5-15
3-6 Balance Measurement ................................ 3-14 5-9 Range Attenuation and Amplifier Gain ........... 5-16
3-7 Recorder Calibration ................................... 3-14 5-10 Resistance Checks ........................................ 5-16
3-8 Transmission Loss Measurement................ 3-14 5-11 Factory Selected Values ................................ 5-16
4-1 Range Attenuation and Amplifier Gain .......... 4-4 6-1 Replaceable Parts ........................................... 6-2
6-2 Part Number-National Stock Number
Cross Reference Index ............................... 6-10