HP StudioJet User Manual

Page 17

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Chapter 2: Installation

Figure 10. FlexPlot Serial Port set-up window.

Baud Rate

The serial port on the printer has an adjustable baud rate. Available

speeds are 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200. The default is set

at the factory to 38,400. The baud rate is adjustable in the Control


in the Communications>Settings window.

Other Serial Port Settings

You may also need to set additional serial port settings, for instance,

when you use a terminal program. The recommended configuration

settings are:

Data Bits:




Stop Bits:


Flow Control:

Software or Xon/Xoff

Software Setup Options

Ioline recommends using FlexPlot for marker making on the print-

er. FlexPlot offers the most robust and flexible workflow available

for creating output. It’s especially useful when many file formats are

used, a common situation for service bureaus. To set-up and learn

how to use the software, see the FlexPlot User Guide.
The printer is designed to work in many different production envi-

ronments. The type of marker printing you do will often determine

your preferred communication method. Two typical methods for

sending markers are:

Plot directly from the marker or design software to the


(See Figure 11.)

Unlike other marker printers, the FlexJet E and StudioJet print-

ers are capable of operating as stand-alone devices with no extra

software running on the computer. This method works if your

CAD software includes a driver for any Ioline product, such as

the Ioline 600Ae or the Summit 2200. It will also work if the CAD

software can create a compatible HPGL- or DM/PL-formatted file.