HP HB4 User Manual
Page 102

user’s guide
creating a DVD, 60
creating CDs using CD-RW drive, 57, 59
creating CDs using Windows Media
Player, 59
creating CDs with RecordNow!, 57
creating recovery discs, 89
creating Recovery Tools CD, 90
customizing keyboard buttons, 29
desktop, 16
desktop icons, removing, 72
device conflict, resolving, 79
device not working, 84
digital images, managing, 46
digital picture
work area, 46
digital pictures, 46, 48
disconnecting TV, 63
Disk Cleanup utility, 72
copying files, 53
inserting, 53
diskette (floppy) drive, 53
domain name, 32
double-click, 20
locations, 7
types, 50
driver recovery, 86
driver rollback, 85
DSL (Digital Subscriber Line), 31
country/region codes, 56
creating, 60
discs, 60
inserting, 51
keyboard button, 28
opening drive, 51
playing, 55
removing, 52
terminology, 55
troubleshooting, 73
DVD player, multi-channel audio, 43
DVD Writer drive, 60
using correct disc, 60
Easy Internet Sign-up, 33
address, 32
defined, 32
keyboard button, 28
receiving, 35, 36
sending, 35
using Outlook Express, 35
erase disc, 57
erased software, 91
about, 9
connecting, 9
faxes, standby mode, 12
finding software programs, 18
floppy disk. See diskette
floppy drive, 53
gallery, 46
go back a day. See System Restore
hard disk cleanup, 72
hard disk space, increasing, 70
hardware, upgrading, 39
commonly asked questions, 1
finding answers, 1
MusicMatch Jukebox, 54
Windows Media Player, 55, 59
Help and Support
opening, 17
Help button, 27
hibernation mode, 12
automatic, 13
high-speed Internet connection, 9
home Web page, 34
HP Image Zone, 46
gallery, 46
tab definitions, 46
HP keyboard button, 27
HP Organize, 17
HP Picture Toolkit button, 27
hyperlink, defined, 32
indicators, keyboard, 26
installing software programs, 14
Instant Support, 37
about, 31
browser programs, 33
browsing the Web, 34
connecting to, 8, 31