Microwaves, Care and cleaning of the dolphin 9500/9550, Care and cleaning of the dolphin 9500/9550 -6 – Hand Held Products 9550 User Manual

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Dolphin® 9500/9550 Mobile Computer User’s Guide

RF, Regulatory, and Safety Agency Approvals

Dolphin 9500/9550 802.11b and/or Bluetooth R&TTE Compliance Statement

The HHP Dolphin 9500RF and Dolphin 9550RF are in conformity with all essential requirements of the R&TTE Directive (1999/
5/EC). This equipment has been assessed to the following standards:

This product is marked with

in accordance with the Class II product requirements specified in the R&TTE

Directive, 1999/5/EC.

The equipment is intended for use throughout the European Community. Its authorization for use in France is restricted as

PAN European Frequency Range: 2.402 - 2.480 GHz

Restricted Frequency Range for use in France: 2.448 - 2.480 GHz

Pacemakers, Hearing Aids and Other Electrically Powered Devices

Most manufacturers of medical devices adhere to the IEC 601-1-2 standard. This standard requires devices to operate properly
in an EM Field with a strength of 3V/m over a frequency range of 26 to 1000MHz.

The maximum allowable field strength emitted by the Dolphin is 0.3V/m according to Subpart B of Part 1 of the FCC rules.
Therefore, the Dolphin RF has no effect on medical devices that meet the IEC specification.


The radio in the Dolphin RF terminal operates on the same frequency band as a microwave oven. Therefore, if you use a
microwave within range of the Dolphin RF terminal you may notice performance degradation in your wireless network. However,
both your microwave and your wireless network will continue to function.

The Dolphin Batch terminal does not contain a radio, and therefore, is not affected by microwave ovens.

Care and Cleaning of the Dolphin 9500/9550

When needed, clean the image engine window and the LCD display with a clean, non-abrasive, lint-free cloth. The terminal can
be cleaned with a damp cloth.



RF Approvals


FCC Part 15.247
RSS 210
ETS 300 328
Telecom RCPHAD002-485




EN 300 328-2:2000
EN 301 489-1 (August 2000)
EN 301 489-17 (Sept. 2000)
EN 60950: 1992 Incl Amdt 1-4,11
EN 50361: 2001