Hand Held Products 9550 User Manual

Page 129

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Dolphin® 9500/9550 Mobile Computer User’s Guide

7 - 21

Server Identity Tab

The Server identity tab defines the credentials the client uses to authenticate the server during TLS/TTLS/PEAP authentication
message exchange. AEGIS Client uses the information entered on this screen to verify that the Client is communicating with a
trusted server.

Do not validate server certificate chain

When the server certificate is received during the TLS/TTLS/PEAP message exchange, it is not

Certificate issuer must be

The server certificate received during TLS/TTLS/PEAP message exchange must be issued by the
certificate authority selected in this field. Both trusted intermediate certificate authorities and root
authorities whose certificates exist in the system store are available for selection in the drop-down
list. If Any Trusted CA is selected, any Certificate Authority (CA) in the drop-down list can be used
during authentication.

Allow intermediate certificates

Selecting this option enables a number of unspecified certificates to be in the server certificate chain
between the server certificate and the certificate authority indicated in the Certificate issuer must
field. This allows the server certificate received during negotiation to be issued directly by the
certificate authority indicated in the Certificate issuer must be field or by one of its intermediate
certificate authorities. If disabled, then the selected Certificate issuer must be must have directly
issued the server certificate.

Server name must be

The server name, or a domain to which the server belongs, depending on which of the two fields
below has been checked.

Must match exactly

When activated, the server name entered must match exactly the server name found on the

Must contain domain name

When activated, the server name field identifies a domain and the certificate must have a server name
belonging to this domain or to one of its sub-domains (e.g.,, where the server is