Glossary, Giossary, Glossary gl-1 – Epson 3260 User Manual

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The following definitions apply specifically to printers. If a word is
italicized, see that topic for more information.
application program
A software program that helps you carry out a particular task, such as
word processing or financial planning.


American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A standardized

coding system for assigning numerical codes to letters and Symbols.

bidirectional printing

Printing in which the print head prints in both directions. This increases

the speed of printing.

b i t

A binary digit (0 or 1), which is the smallest unit of information used by a

printer or computer.


The portion of the printer's memory used to store data before printing it.


A unit of information consisting of eight bits.

characters per inch (cpi)

A measure of the size of text characters, sometimes referred to as pitch.

The printer's default setting is 10 cpi.

character table

A collection of letters, numbers, and symbols that provides you with the

characters used in a particular language.

condensed printing

Printing in which the width of each character is approximately 60% of the

width of standard characters. Useful for fitting wide tables or

spreadsheets onto a paper.

continuous paper

Paper that has sprocket-feed holes on each side, is perforated between

pages, and is supplied in a folded stack. Also called fanfold paper.

control code
Special codes used to control printer functions (such as a carriage return
or line feed) instead of printing characters.

Glossary GL-1