Applications and modes of operation – SPL MixDream Model 2384 16x2 Analog Summing Mixer User Manual

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Your final result is clearly better and the time needed, minimal—
especially since it is less likely that a new mix will be called for.

Your MixDream is predestined for such applications, as we’ve
planned its superior sound quality for just such occasions.
Moreover, input channels can be used in mastering as input
toggles to select different contributing tracks. Finally, different
D/A converters may be compared so that you can be sure of
selecting those most suitable for your present project.

Linking Several MixDreams

An expansion connector provides for a second MixDream input
should 16 channels not suffice. This second MixDream’s master
output—as well as it’s Insert Sends—may be used. In such
cases, it is important that you set the Insert Level of the second
MixDream to 0 dB to avoid a global difference between the two.

If more than three MixDreams are to be summed, we recom-
mend to employ a further MixDream as master—otherwise the
signals from the first MixDream (as the worst example) would
unnecessarily be summed in each following unit.

If you wish to keep the channels with mono switch, use chan-
nels 7 to 16 at the master unit for connection of slave units. The
respective Insert switches must be set to the Off position.

Applications and Modes of Operation