ProSoft Technology AN-X-AMX User Manual

Page 18

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January 2008

Browse or type the capture file name into the FileName box. AnxAmxCapt appends the
option file name to the name you supply, and then appends the extension “.txt”. For
example, if the capture file is Test1413.AmxCapt and the option file is QTS_All.opt, the
text file created is Test1413_QTS_All.txt

Browse or type the Option File name into the OptionFile box. Option files control which
frames are selected from the capture file, and the format they are saved in. To display all
messages, select the QTS_All.opt option file. For detailed information on option files,
refer to page 15.

Click Edit to edit the option file. If you make changes to the option file, you may need to
browse it in again in order for the changes to take effect.

If you want to select just a portion of the file, enter starting (StartRef) and ending
(EndRef) reference numbers. Leave both as 0 if you want to include all the network
frames. Normally you locate the event of interest, then use the starting and ending
reference numbers to display frames around that event.

If you obtained the capture using the ring buffer method, NumMin determines the number
of consecutive capture files from which frames are to be extracted. If the capture was
obtainedusing the continuous file method, set NumMin to 1.

After AnxAmxCapt stores the selected frames to a text file, you can have it automatically
open the file in your text editor. Check Auto Exec Editor and browse or type the path to
the editor in the Editor Path box.

Click Execute to dump the selected frames to the text file.