PLANET ICA-H612 User Manual
Page 41

Alarm Switch
The Administrator can enable or disable the alarm function.
Alarm Type
Select an alarm type, “Normal close” or “Normal open,” that corresponds with the alarm application.
Alarm Output
Define alarm output signal “high” or “low” as the normal alarm output status according to the current
alarm application.
Action (Multi-option)
The Administrator can specify alarm actions that will take when the alarm is triggered. All options are
listed as follows:
• Enable Alarm Output
Select the item to enable alarm relay output.
• Send Alarm Message by FTP/E-Mail
The Administrator can select whether to send an alarm message by FTP and/or E-Mail when an
alarm is triggered.
• Upload Image by FTP
Select this item, and the Administrator can assign a FTP site and configure various parameters as
shown in the figure below. When the alarm is triggered, event images will be uploaded to the
appointed FTP site.