TA Triumph-Adler DCC 2930 User Manual
Page 72

Preparation before Use
Enter the correct settings in each field.
The settings to be specified in the SMTP settings screen are shown below.
Click Submit.
SMTP Protocol
Enables or disables SMTP protocol. To use E-mail, this protocol must be
SMTP Port Number
Set the SMTP Port Number or use the SMTP default port 25.
SMTP Server Name
Enter the SMTP server IP address or its name. The maximum length of the
SMTP server name and IP address is 64 characters. If entering the name, a DNS
server address must also be configured. The DNS server address may be
entered on the TCP/IP General tab.
SMTP Server Timeout
Set the amount of time to wait before time-out in seconds.
Enables or disables the SMTP authentication protocol or sets POP before SMTP
as the protocol. The SMTP authentication supports Microsoft Exchange 2000.
Authenticate as
Authentication can be set from three POP3 accounts or you can choose a
different account.
Login User Name
When Other is selected for Authenticate, the login user name set here will be
used for SMTP authentication. The maximum length of the login user name is
64 characters.
Login Password
When Other is selected for Authenticate, the password set here will be used for
authentication. The maximum length of the login password is 64 characters.
SMTP Security
Enables or disables the SMTP Security. When this protocol is enabled, either
SSL/TLS or STARTTLS must be selected. To enable SMTP security, the SMTP
port may have to be changed according to the server settings. Typically, 465 for
SSL/TLS and 25 or 587 for STARTTLS are well-known SMTP ports.
POP before SMTP
Set the amount of time to wait before time-out in seconds when you have
selected POP before SMTP as the Authentication Protocol.
This will test if the SMTP connection can be successfully established.
E-mail Size Limit
Enter the maximum size of E-mail that can be sent in kilobytes. When the value is
0, the limitation for E-mail size is disabled.
Sender Address
Enter the E-mail address of the person responsible for the machine, such as the
machine administrator, so that a reply or non-delivery report will go to a person
rather than to the machine. The sender address must be entered correctly for
SMTP authentication. The maximum length of the sender address is
128 characters.
Enter the signature. The signature is free form text that will appear at the end of
the E-mail body. It is often used for further identification of the machine. The
maximum length of the signature is 512 characters.
Domain Restriction
Enter the domain names that can be permitted or rejected. The maximum length
of the domain name is 32 characters. You can also specify E-mail addresses.