RISCO Group ProSYS Version 8.xx User Manual

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ProSYS Version 8.xx - Supplementary Instructions

2. Enable communication with the external fast modem:

Select [5] Digicom > [5] Control > [15] X. Modem Enable.
Set the parameter to Yes.

3. Ensure that the Upload/Download GSM parameter is set to No:

Select [5] Digicom > [5] Control > [14] Upload Download GSM Enable.
Verify that the parameter is set to No.

Note that when using the Upload/Download software in the Client Screen, the Fast PSTN
option needs to be selected.

iWISE Grade 2 and 3 BUS Zone Detectors

There are two iWISE BUS zone detectors:

x iWISE DT AM Grade 2 15m and 25m
x iWISE QUAD AM Grade 2 15m
x iWISE DT AM Grade3 15m and 25m
x iWISE QUAD AM Grade 3 15m

All iWISE BUS detectors include an additional on-board wired zone defined in the software as
an “input”. This zone can be used and defined as any wired zone in the system.


The iWISE BUS detectors are part of the BUS zones category. Therefore, adding/deleting an
iWISE BUS is identical to adding/deleting any BUS zone in the system.

The iWISE BUS detectors can be assigned to a physical wired zone or to a virtual zone or to a
BUS Zone Expander.
Physical zone: Any zone on the ProSYS PCB (zones 1-8) or on a wired zone expander
(G3Z08, G3Z16

, BZE08, BZE16, BZE24, BZE32


Virtual zone: Any zone on a virtual zone expander defined as VBZ08 or VBZ16.


Virtual BUS zones are cost effective. They enable to expand your system zones without adding
physical zone expanders.
The virtual BUS Zone expander can be used only for BUS zone detectors. To add a virtual BUS
zone expander select type VBZ08 or VBZ16 when adding a zone expander.

1. Add/delete an iWISE BUS detector:


Access the Engineer menu and select [7] Install > [1] Add Delete Module > [9]
More.. > [5] BUS Zone. The display will show:
BUS Zone:
(0:yy) TYPE=None
In the 0:yy designation, the 0 represents that the Bus detector is not assigned to a
Bus Zone Expander and the yy represents the BUS detector ID number as set by
the detector's DIP switches


Use the


keys to position the cursor over the BUS Zone ID number

to which you want to assign (or delete) a detector. Make sure that the detector’s
physical ID dipswitch setting is identical to the ID number you select during


Place the cursor on the TYPE field and use the

key to select:

iDTG2 for an iWISE DT grade 2 detector
iQDG2 for an iWISE QUAD grade 2 detector
iDTG3 for an iWISE DT grade 3 detector
iQDG3 for an iWISE QUAD grade 3 detector