RISCO Group ACUS User Manual
Page 18
User Manual for ACUS Installer
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© RISCO Group
20. Select the Launch the Program check box to launch ACUS.
21. Click Finish. The ACUS application login screen appears.
22. Select the Show the readme file check box to view the readme.
23. Click Finish. The readme file is displayed in a notepad.
24. Click Finish. ACUS is successfully installed.
To verify of ACUS is installed on your machine, perform the following steps:
1. Click Start
All Programs Risco Axes Plus ACUS ACUS. The login screen appears.
2. Enter the login credentials and click Login. After ACUS home page appears, you may ascertain that
ACUS is successfully installed.
Note: While upgrading ACUS, ensure that you close any instance of any application before upgrading
to the latest version.
Configuring Port Number in ACUS
When you install ACUS, the port through which you connect to the RMAC Server has to be changed. You
have to change the port number manually in the configuration file.
To change the port number:
1. Go to the location where ACUS files are saved.
2. Open the
Risco.Rsp.Ac.ACUS.UI.exe file in notepad.
3. Find the following code:
contract="Risco.Rsp.ServiceInterfaces.IRACService" name="IRACService">
4. In the code, 01HW184153:8004 is an example of machine name: port number. If you want to change
the port number, replace 8004 with the appropriate port number.
5. Save the file and exit.
6. Double-click the ACUS icon to verify if ACUS runs successfully.
Configuration of Service URLs
When you install ACUS, the service URL is configured. However, you can configure the Service URLs after
installing ACUS also.
To configure:
1. Go to location where you have installed ACUS.