Precision Digital PD941 User Manual
Page 28
ConsoliDator Multi-Channel Controller
Instruction Manual
Integration Mode
Integration mode is able to totalize from any 4-20 mA channel over a time base of
second, minute, hour, or day. During operation, the channel’s display screen shows
bargraph total, numeric total, and numeric rate. To begin setup, select from the
following under Function options [Integration: SEC], [Integration: MIN], [Integration:
HOUR], or [Integration: DAY]. Follow Sensor Input Setup (page 29) to enter your
scaling parameters for the rate.
Note: Integration Mode is available for 2-point linear calibration only.
Fixed Value
Fixed Value mode may be used to create a constant display as if a steady signal is
applied to the input, without requiring a transmitted signal. Controller outputs assigned
to this channel will respond the same way it would with a constant signal. Any
transmitted source connected on the corresponding input is ignored while fixed value
mode is selected. To begin setup, select [Fixed Value] from Function options. Next,
select Configure Function Parameters. In the box that appears, enter a value in
engineering units by pressing EDIT and using the arrow keys. Press SAVE when
complete and then EXIT to return to input menu.
Summation & Difference
Summation mode begins with a linearly scaled input, but adds the ability to link one or
more separate channels for addition to its own display. Difference mode follows the
same link principle, but subtracts one or more channels from itself. During operation,
the channel that is used to set-up the link is the one that displays the sum or
difference. Verify the appropriate channel has been selected. i.e. To display a
summation for Channel 1 plus another channel, make sure you are in Analog Input: 1
setup screen. Remember to scale the other channels that you have chosen to link.
First, enter your scaling parameters. Reference Sensor Input Setup (page 29.)
For Summation, select
[Summation], from Function
options. Select Configure Function
Parameters from the Analog Input
setup screen. In the Function
Setup box shown to the right, use
arrow keys and ON/OFF key to
select channels to be linked. The
settings shown in the screen to the
right are programmed to add
Channel 2 to Channel 1.
Function Setup:
Assign Channels:
Channel = 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8
Analog Input: 1
Input Type: 4-20 mA Transmitter
Function: Summation
Channel ID: Analog: 1
For Difference, select [Difference],
from Function options. Select
Configure Function Parameters
from the Analog Input setup
screen. In the Function Setup box
shown to the right, use arrow keys
and ON/OFF key to select
channels to be linked. The settings
shown in the screen to the right
are programmed to subtract
Channel 2 from Channel 1.
Function Setup:
Assign Channels:
Channel = 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8
Analog Input: 1
Input Type: 4-20 mA Transmitter
Function: Difference
Channel ID: Analog: 1