Update history – Edelweiss GAMBIT DS1-MK3 User Manual
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Weiss Engineering Ltd., Florastr. 42, CH-8610 Uster
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+41 44 940 20 06 +41 44 940 22 14 http://www.weiss.ch
Update from DS1 to DS1-
MK2 v1.0 or v1.1
The main difference between these two versions
is the ability of the DS1-MK2 to accept 88.2 /
96kHz input signals. Contrary to the DS1, where
double sampling processing was only used in
compressor mode, the DS1-MK2 now uses inter-
nal up- and downsampling stages and all pro-
cessing is at 88.2 / 96 kHz.
There is a completely new feature available in
the DS1-MK2, the upward expander. This is the
logical extension of the compressor. Just turn
the ratio controller counterclock wise to experi-
ence this new sound. New scale range on p. 26.
The DeEsser section has been enhanced with a
new crossover, which covers the whole audio
bandwidth (the DS1 used 271 Hz as lowest cut-
off frequency, the DS1-MK2 can now be tuned
down to 41 Hz). New scale range on p. 25.
And for those who like it hot, there is a new
peak limiter section added in series to the com-
pressor / de-esser, which cuts down spikes
above 0.0dBFS. Read about its operation on p.8.
Update from DS1-MK2
v1.0 or v1.1 to DS1-MK2
The main new enhancement is the parallel com-
pressor option. To read about operating and
options of the parallel compressor, turn to p. 14.
This way of using a compressor was motivated
by Bob Katz, here is what he says about it on
the Mastering Webboard:
“You want a patch that compresses without
stomping on the attacks at all, preserves transi-
ents but gives you great inner detail? ...
You have one control, one control only, and that
is the output level of the compressor [gain
makeup], the ‘sidechain’. You can bring out in-
ner details without losing breathing, and hardly
affecting the upper dynamics at all. Works great.
Not just great, absolutely fantastically. Fattens
bass instruments without causing breathing or
pumping. You name it, it works very well.
Variations: Use it like the Dolby Spectral En-
hancer, by split band [parallel] compression, so
that (for example) high frequency inner details
at low levels are enhanced. ”
The other change in architecture is the addition
of a second gain before the safety limiter, re-
ferred to as pre-limiter gain. The old overall gain
is also still available. Read on p. 8.
Also, the scales of the gain, gain makeup and
ratio parameters has been modified to suit cus-
tomer feedback. New values on p. 26.
Update from DS1-MK2
v1.3 to DS1-MK2 v2.0
In the v2.0 version POW-R dithering capabilities
have been added. The dithering menu now has a
"setup" entry which gives you access to the
three POW-R algorithms.
Update from DS1-MK2
v2.0 to DS1-MK2 v2.1
New Feature: Safety Limiter is now also of auto
release type. No changes to the user interface.
Update from DS1-MK2
v2.x to DS1-MK3 (v3.0)
After several years of the DS1’s use in mastering
and recording studios world wide we have gath-
ered and implemented a list of most wanted
features suggested by our customers.
These include:
- Ganged or unganged control, i.e. independent
parameters in L/R or M/S possible
- M/S or L/R processing
- Switchable sidechain link
- Continuously variable signal sensing from Peak
to 800ms RMS