Edelweiss GAMBIT DS1-MK3 User Manual

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change, audio is muted to avoid audio signal

Graphic 6: System menu

Graphic 7: Overall Delay display

Setting preview: Touch either the „attack“ or

„release delay“ controller (

) to activate the

timing 1 window, then use the gain / data con-

troller (

) to adjust preview time.

Graphic 8: Timing 1 window

Envelope Follower

The envelope follower parameter controllers are

in area

. The purpose of the envelope follower

is to cause gradual gain changes, thus eliminat-
ing distortion. The current values are shown in


Attack and Preview: The longer the attack
time, the more will the leading edge of fast tran-
sients pass by the gain reduction circuit unal-
tered (as in Graphic 9 during attack phase).
Very fast attack time settings such as 20µs, i.e.
one sample period, do catch every transient, but
may distort low frequencies. To utilise longer
attack times and still catch fast transients, use

Release and Average: The input signal is mon-
itored with two different methods: peak ampli-
tude (*) and RMS value. The peak amplitude is
the programme portion we don't perceive as
very loud, however which can easily cause over-
loads. The RMS value of the programme materi-
al we perceive as loudness. Its variations con-
tribute most to the dynamic range of the audio.

The sidechain processor compares the two
measurements it obtained from the peaks and
the RMS. The ratio between the two determines
which time constant would be the appropriate
release, e.g. after short duration peak the faster
release will be applied during the release phase.

The time period over which the RMS value of the
programme material is averaged is set by the
"average" parameter. The effect of the average
parameter can best be studied on the gain re-

duction meter (

). Fast "average" settings will

cause most of the gain reduction meter to move
very fast (depending on the "release fast" set-
ting) , slower settings will just have the top part
of the gain reduction move fast, with the bottom
part depending on the "release slow" setting.

Graphic 9: Envelope Parameters