Sealey VS007 User Manual

InstructIons for:
electronic stethoscope kit, 6
Model no:
thank you for purchasing a sealey product. Manufactured to a high standard this product will, if used according to these instructions and properly maintained, give you years of trouble free
1. saFetY instrUctions
IMPORTANT: please reaD these instrUctions careFUllY. note the saFe operational reQUireMents, WarninGs & caUtions. Use the proDUct
correctlY anD With care For the pUrpose For Which it is intenDeD. FailUre to Do so MaY caUse DaMaGe anD/or personal inJUrY anD Will
invaliDate the WarrantY. please keep instrUctions saFe For FUtUre Use.
check the content against the list below. If any items are missing or
damaged contact your supplier.
• Stethoscope
• Stethoscope probe
• Headphones
• Microphone Clamps x 6
• Control Box
2. introDUction
3. content
Original Language Version
Vs007.V3 Issue: 1 - 24/03/10
General saFetY
WarninG! Ensure Health & Safety, local authority, and general
workshop practice regulations are adhered to when using this
familiarise yourself with the application and limitations of the
equipment, as well as the specific potential hazards.
Maintain the
equipment in good condition (use an authorised
service agent).
replace or repair damaged parts. Use genuine parts only.
Unauthorised parts may be dangerous and will invalidate the
Keep the equipment clean for best and safest performance.
Ensure cables, probe and clamps cannot contact moving parts.
Do not place cables, probe or clamps near high voltage items -
HT leads, spark plugs or ignition coil.
Before road test ensure all cables are secure and, if they
become disconnected, cannot contact moving parts.
When conducting a road test the
driver must not operate the
Do not allow untrained persons to operate the Vs007.
Do not allow children to play with the Vs007.
Do not operate the equipment when you are tired or under the
influence of alcohol, drugs or intoxicating medication.
When not in use switch off equipment and store in a safe, dry,
childproof area.
for prolonged storage remove batteries.
super-sensitive stethoscope, suitable for detection of faults in:
• Engine, Transmission.
• Cat Intake/Exhaust Manifold.
• Fuel Injectors, Radiators.
• Valves, Fuel Tanks.
Kit includes audio probe, headphones, six clip-on microphones and
six-channel microphone selector box. Used by noise, harshness and
vibration engineers to isolate problem sources. Enables vehicle to be
road-tested and diagnosed simultaneously.