Sealey TA060 User Manual

Ta060, Sound level meter, Instructions for

background image

InstructIons for:

sound level meter

MoDEL no :


thank you for purchasing a sealey product. Manufactured to a high standard this product will, if used according to these instructions

and properly maintained, give you years of trouble free performance.

IMPORTANT: PleAse reAd tHese InstruCtIons CAreFullY. note tHe sAFe oPerAtIonAl reQuIrements, WArnInGs And CAutIons.

use tHe ProduCt CorreCtlY And WItH CAre For tHe PurPose For WHICH It Is Intended. FAIlure to do so mAY CAuse

dAmAGe And/or PersonAl InJurY And WIll InvAlIdAte tHe WArrAntY. PleAse KeeP InstruCtIons sAFe For Future use.

1. sAFetY InstruCtIons

2. IntroduCtIon & sPeCIFICAtIon

1.1. GenerAl sAFetY

WArnInG! damage to the human ear can begin at 85dB and above.

Always wear ear defenders when testing the sound level in a new

situation. do not assume that the sound level is safe until you have

actually measured it.

WArnInG! this equipment can be used in a wide variety of

situations where noise is a concern including the home, traffic

situations, industrial environments, building sites, airports e.t.c. In

each case, the user of the equipment must familiarise themselves with the

safety regulations that apply to the particular situation in which the

equipment will be used and do their own risk assessment in order to stay

safe and avoid personal injury.

familiarise yourself with the applications, limitations, and potential hazards

of the sound level meter.

Keep the sound level meter clean and in good condition.

Protect the sound level meter from electro-magnetic fields, static

electricity and high temperatures.

remain vigilant when using the sound level meter on, or near, machinery

where there are rotational parts such as belts, pulleys and fans.

Maintain correct balance and footing. Ensure the floor is not slippery and

wear non-slip shoes.

remove ill fitting clothing. remove ties, watches, rings, and other loose

jewellery, and contain and/ or tie back long hair.

do not get the sound level meter wet or use in damp or wet locations or

areas where there is condensation.

do not use the sound level meter for any purpose other than for which it

is designed.

do not allow untrained persons to operate the sound level meter.

do not operate the sound level meter when you are tired or under the

influence of alcohol, drugs or intoxicating medication.

WArnInG: The warnings, cautions and instructions discussed in this

instruction manual cannot cover all possible conditions and

situations that may occur. It must be understood that common sense

and caution are factors which cannot be built into this product, but

must be applied by the operator.

High quality meter suitable for measurement of environmental and

mechanical noise. conforms to IEc61672-1 class 2 for sound meters. features

max and min measurements, over and under range, A and c weighting, fast

and slow response, data hold, record, digital read-out and bar graph with

backlight. supplied in storage case. requires 9V battery (supplied).

model no: .................................................................................................tA060

Accuracy ................................................................................................... ±1.4dB

frequency range ..........................................................................31.5Hz - 8KHz

range .............................................................................................30 - 130dB

Original Language Version

tA060 Issue: 1 - 27/05/11

3. mAIn FunCtIons



MIn - Minimum sound level capture
MAX - Maximum sound level capture
fAst - sampling rate
DAtA has been recorded
sLoW - sampling rate
Low battery indicator

Data hold function
c: Weighting, response to machine monitoring
A: Weighting, response to human hearing
over upper limit of range
under minimum limit of range

fig. 1

fig. 2


PoWer on/oFF And BACKlIGHt Button. (fig.1-3)

3.1.1 Press the button once to turn the meter on.

3.1.2 Press it once more to turn backlight on.

3.1.3 Press it once more to turn backlight off.

3.1.4 to turn the unit off hold the button down continuously whilst the

display counts down

P - - 3, P - - 2, P - - 1. When the screen is blank,

let go of the button.


FreQuenCY WeIGHtInG seleCt Button. (fig.1-8)

the button switches between two settings.

3.2.1 A: Weighting (the display shows

'dBA') this setting deals with

frequencies which affect human hearing.

3.2.2 B: Weighting (the display shows

'dBC') this setting deals with

frequencies measured from machines.


Hold Button. (fig.1-7)


data Hold Function.

3.3.2 Press button once to freeze the reading on the display


3.3.3 Press button again to return to live monitoring.


data Zero Function.

3.3.5 firstly hold down the 'HoLD' button then hold down the power button

as well. Keep both buttons held down until the display shows 'cLA'

which indicates that all readings stored in memory have been cleared.


level rAnGe & reCord FunCtIon (fig.1-6)


range select Button

3.4.2 the range level is represented on the display by the two small digits

which appear at the top right hand corner of the main four digit display.

(fig.2-B) cycle through the available levels by

repeatedly pressing the

LEVEL/rEc button.

01 represents the 'Lo' level. ................................................... 30 - 80dB

02 represents the 'Med' level.. ............................................ 50 - 100dB

03 represents the 'Hi' level.. ................................................ 80 - 130dB

04 represents the 'Auto' level selection............................... 30 - 130dB