Glossary – LinPlug RMV User Manual

Page 148

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A process or set of rules used for calculation or problem-solving. In
terms of audio synthesis, an algorithm is the way in which various
components are combined to generate sound.

Bit Depth:

The number of bits (binary digits) used to represent an audio signal.
CD quality audio uses 16 bits to represent an audio signal. Reducing
the bit depth of a signal means that it is less accurately represented
and is thus, distorted.

Constant Power/Constant Voltage Panning:

A Pan (Panorama) control is used for

positioning an audio signal in the stereo field by varying the amounts
of signal that are sent to the left and right channels. There are two
different ways that panning is most commonly implemented. When
"constant power" panning is used, the volume of an instrument
remains constant when it is moved within the stereo panorama. This
method is suitable when an instrument's stereo positioning is
changed during the course of a song as the instrument volume
remains constant. However, this approach is not mono-compatible
because when the stereo mix is played back on a mono device the
volume of the instrument changes. Alternatively, "constant voltage"
panning is mono-compatible, however the volume of the instrument
changes when a stereo mix is played back on stereo devices (as


A signal processing device that changes some aspect of the input
signal. An enormous number of different effect types are available.
These include Chorus (which produces a thickening of the signal),
Delay (adding echoes to the signal) and Distortion (which changes
the shape of the waveform usually adding overtones).


A time-varying signal used to control the development of another
signal after it has been triggered. Envelopes are most often used for
controlling a signal's amplitude. The shape of the envelope is
determined by the number of control parameters. Usually four
parameters are available: Attack Time, Decay Time, Sustain Level
and Release Time.


A signal processing algorithm that suppresses or "filters" out specific
parts of a signal's frequency spectrum. Numerous types of filter are
used in audio synthesis. These include Low Pass, High Pass, Band
Pass and Notch. The tone controls on a stereo amplifier are one
example of an audio filter.


Reference Manual 5.0.1