Ion Science GasCheck IS User Manual

Page 30

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Ion Science Ltd

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Unrivalled Detection.


Remove the Gas Check nozzle or change the probe (if required)

In some applications the grey probe cover may restrict access
to the area under test, the grey probe cover can be removed
by pulling it off way from the instrument ". When the grey
cover is removed great care should be taken when using the
instrument and the following precautions noted:-
* Do not remove the semi transparent probe sleeve, this
sleeve ensure the metal inner probe remains 1 mm from the
surface of the test area avoiding accidental dirt and moisture
* Do not touch the probe and especially the brass sensor
housing. Heat from fingers can result in significant changes in
signal causing false readings.
* Avoid placing the probe on wet or dirty surfaces, blockage of
the probe will result in instrument failure.

Some application may require a longer probe to gain access
to pneumatic joints and seams to be tested, the GasCheck is
also supplied with a 300mm probe that can be changed by the
user. To change probes carefully follow the following steps:-

* Switch the instrument OFF

* Remove the outer grey probe cover "

* Place the box spanner (supplied with the instrument) over
the existing probe so the spanner fits over the brass nut #,
unscrew the probe counter-clockwise direction. $
* Withdraw the spanner and probe assembly %

To refit the short or the long probe follow the steps above but
in reverse order.
CAUTION: When using the box spanner to tighten the probe nut, ensure the nut is firmly tightened only by
the hand.Do not use additional tools as the tread may become damaged.

Should a probe become blocked, use dry, clean compressed air to blow out the blockage from the
instrument end of the probe (when the probe has been first removed off the instrument)

Cautionary Note: The instrument has been factory calibrated using the standard short capillary which sets a
certain flow rate into the detector.
The long capillary by nature of its construction has a different flow to improve the time response in detection.
This will change the calibration of the instrument when the long probe is used instead of the short
capillary. Thus the long probe is only to be used in finding leaks in difficult places where the standard short
probe cannot reach. The readings given by the long probe are only qualitative and the reading given by the
display is only to be taken as being relative to another value given by another leak site while using the long