Yaskawa G5 Electronic Lineshaft Alignment User Manual
Electronic lineshaft with alignment

Electronic Lineshaft with Alignment
Date: 07-01-04, Rev: 04-07
Page 1 of 15
GPD515/G5 Software Option (VSG114713E)
Part Number: CIMR-G5MXXXXXF-046
A Yaskawa GPD515/G5 flashed with this software has the ability to electronically emulate a lineshaft connection
between 2 or more independently driven devices. In this system there will be a master device and one or more
slave drives. The slaves will follow the master device and can be automatically aligned to it by using the
alignment feature. Once aligned the relationship between the leading master device and the following slave
drives will be maintained. The gearing feature allows the slaves drives to follow the master device at a definable
This system requires supplying the slave drive with a line driver quadrature feedback from the device to be
followed. Any electronic device that is capable of supplying the following drive with the proper signal can be used
as the master signal. The following drive will follow the master signal pulse for pulse after applying the ratio in
either direction. The following drive must be operated using closed loop or flux vector control and therefore must
have an encoder coupled to the motor.
The typical application will have a master drive and a slave drive. The equipment being driven requires two
mechanically isolated and motor driven moving parts to maintain a constant position relationship to within a few
encoder counts. The position of the moving part driven by the slave motor requires alignment to the position of
the master device.
The master drive can be operated in any control mode but master device feedback connected to the slave drive is
required. The feedback or master signal controls the follower drive. The follower drive monitors the master
signal and compares it to the feedback from the slave motor’s encoder. The follower will then compensate for
any position errors resulting by adjusting the output frequency of the slave drive. This results in near perfect
alignment between the master device and slave device. There is no accumulation of position error, so alignment
will always be maintained within a few pulses.
The slave drive has an automatic alignment feature with this software. This feature provides a means of aligning
the follower encoder to the master signal. This is accomplished by using two switches connected to the trigger
inputs of the slave drive. One switch is used to indicate the position of the master. The other switch is used to
indicate the position of the follower. When the alignment feature is active, advancing or retarding the slave motor
corrects the difference between when these switches are activated. When both encoders are activated at the
same time the master and follower are aligned. An offset feature is provided enabling fine adjustment for switch
This software provides a trim advance and retard input to adjust the following drive in respect to the to the master.
Adjustments can be made while running. This adjustment will change the position or phase relationship between
the drives.
When the master signal is from another GPD515/G5 it is not necessary for it to be running lineshaft software. All
follower or slave GPD515/G5 drives must be running lineshaft software.