7 option data and i/o maps, Conventional formats, Memory maps – Yaskawa 1000 Series Drive Option - Profibus-DP Installation User Manual

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YASKAWA ELECTRIC TOBP C730600 42C 1000-Series Option SI-P3 Installation Manual

7 Option Data and I/O Maps


Option Data and I/O Maps

Conventional Formats

The PROFIBUS-DP master configuration tool sets the I/O data length of the option from

Extended Data 1 (32 bytes), Extended Data 2 (12 bytes), and Basic Data (6 bytes).
Conventional formats have two message types: High-speed I/O Data and MEMOBUS/

Modbus message. Set parameter F6-32 to 1 to use conventional formats.

High-Speed I/O Data

High-speed I/O data is directly transferred between the drive and controller or PLC. When

the drive is set for PROFIBUS-DP communications, the drive Run/Stop and Frequency

Reference commands are transferred within 2 ms after being received by the option.

MEMOBUS/Modbus Message

MEMOBUS/Modbus message data is transferred between the drive and controller or PLC

using MEMOBUS/Modbus messages. All drive parameters and data can be accessed

through MEMOBUS/Modbus. The data in this message type is transferred to the drive after

being received and edited by the option and more time is required to return the data to the

master. The master must synchronize the timing of sending and receiving the data by a

process called handshaking.

Memory Maps

The following register maps show the I/O data bytes.

Basic and Extended Register Maps

Table 9 Number of Bytes in Basic and Extended Data Messages

Table 10 Basic Data Register Map Detail

Basic Data

(6 bytes)

Extended Data 1

(32 bytes)

Extended Data 2

(12 bytes)

High-speed I/O Data

Bytes 0 to 5

Bytes 0 to 15

Bytes 0 to 3

MEMOBUS/Modbus Data

Bytes 16 to 31

Bytes 4 to 11

Output (Master Device to Drive)

Input (Drive to Master Device)






Operation Command High Byte


Drive Status High Byte


Operation Command Low Byte


Drive Status Low Byte


Frequency Reference High Byte


Motor Speed High Byte


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