Tapping with chip breaking (cycle g209) – HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530 (340 49x-01) ISO programming User Manual

Page 270

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8 Programming: Cycles

8.3 Cy

cles f


r Dr

illing, T


pping and Thr

ead Milling


The tool machines the thread in several passes until it reaches the
programmed depth. You can define in a parameter whether the tool is
to be retracted completely from the hole for chip breaking.


The TNC positions the tool in the tool axis at rapid traverse to the
programmed set-up clearance above the workpiece surface. There
it carries out an oriented spindle stop.


The tool moves to the programmed infeed depth, reverses the
direction of spindle rotation and retracts by a specific distance or
completely for chip release, depending on the definition .


It then reverses the direction of spindle rotation again and
advances to the next infeed depth.


The TNC repeats this process (2 to 3) until the programmed thread
depth is reached.


The tool is then retracted to the set-up clearance. If you have
entered a 2nd set-up clearance, the tool subsequently moves to
that position in rapid traverse.


The TNC stops the spindle turning at set-up clearance

Machine and control must be specially prepared by the
machine tool builder for use of this cycle.

Before programming, note the following:

Program a positioning block for the starting point (hole
center) in the working plane with radius compensation


The algebraic sign for the parameter thread depth
determines the working direction.

The TNC calculates the feed rate from the spindle speed.
If the spindle speed override is used during tapping, the
feed rate is automatically adjusted.

The feed-rate override knob is disabled.

At the end of the cycle the spindle comes to a stop. Before
the next operation, restart the spindle with M3 (or M4).

Enter in MP7441 bit 2 whether the TNC should output an
error message (bit 2=1) or not (bit 2=0) if a positive depth
is entered.

Danger of collision!

Keep in mind that the TNC reverses the calculation for pre-
positioning when a positive depth is entered. This
means that the tool moves at rapid traverse in the tool axis
at safety clearance below the workpiece surface!