Shortcuts to assets, locations, or searches – Grass Valley Aurora Browse v.6.5 User Manual

Page 15

background image

Searching for an exact phrase

on page 16

Saving a search

on page 18

Creating a filter

on page 20

About favorite filters

on page 19

About searching with filters

on page 19

About noise words: words ignored in a search

on page 23

About searching metadata fields

on page 21

Shortcuts to assets, locations, or searches

Follow these steps:

To do this

Select the Collections tab. Select File | New Collections or press Ctrl + N.
Enter the collection information and click OK. Notes: You can create

Create a
collection for

collections for logical or physical assets. When you create a collection, you

used assets

can make it private or shared, temporary or permanent. Temporary collections
are deleted when you close your Browse session.

In the list of assets, right-click on the asset you want to add to your collection.
Select Add to collection and specify the collection or create a new collection.

Create a
shortcut to

To view the asset, click the Collections tab and click on your collection.

used assets

Notes: Putting an asset into a collection does not move the asset; it creates a
reference that points to the original asset. Therefore, deleting a collection
does not affect the assets that were inside the collection bin. If you see a red
X next to an asset reference, Browse was unable to retrieve information about
that asset. The asset might have been deleted.

Select the Explore tab and navigate to the folder you want to create a shortcut
for. Right-click on the folder and select Add to Favorites or Add to Global

Create a
shortcut to a

Favorites. Notes: Creating a shortcut to a frequently used folder is also helpful

used folder

when you want to archive an asset to that folder. Global changes are saved
to the server when you close down your Browse session. Other users need to
open a new Browse session before they can see the changes.

Click the drop-down arrow below Asset Navigator (immediately below the
File menu) and select the search you want to use.

Find a saved
search or
return to the
default search

If you have a logical asset with a physical asset associated with it, and you
want to quickly find which MDI device holds this asset: Right click on the

Find the
location of a
physical asset physical asset name and select Synchronize. The Explore tab appears in the

Asset Navigator view with the folder highlighted.

Related Links

Searching with noise words

on page 24

Searching with Boolean operators (AND, OR, AND NOT)

on page 22

Searching for numbers

on page 23

24 October 2008

Aurora Browse User Manual

