Genlock submodule overview – Grass Valley 8900GEN-SM User Manual
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8900GEN-SM — Instruction Manual
Genlock Submodule Overview
Genlock Submodule Overview
Before installing the 8900GEN-SM submodule on the host module, it is
important to understand an overview of the various ways that the
8900GEN-SM can be used and how genlock timing can be configured.
The 8900GEN-SM submodule can provide a local external genlock timing
reference to the host module it is mounted on or it can be configured to
transmit an external reference to the entire GeckoFlex frame on one of two
frame buses.
When a GeckoFlex host module with an 8900GEN-SM submodule is
installed in slot 1 it can be configured to transmit the external reference fed
to the Genlock Loop BNCs on the rear module to Frame Bus 1. Frame Bus 1
is available to every slot in the GeckoFlex frame. Another GeckoFlex
module in the frame can be configured to accept this reference.
Frame Bus 2 can be transmitted from the GeckoFlex host module with an
8900GEN-SM submodule when the host module is installed in slot 3 of the
frame. This bus is also fed to every slot in the GeckoFlex frame. The choice
of which frame reference to use is made on the System Config web page for
each individual module in the frame. This allows two different references
to be fed simultaneously to the entire frame.
This functionality allows for a Primary and Secondary redundant configu-
ration. This application allows a house reference input to be designated as
the Primary timing source while a backup Secondary house reference can
be configured to automatically take the place of the Primary if it fails. When
the Primary timing source recovers, the user can set the system to return to
the Primary source automatically or to reset the Primary manually and can
also set the amount of time before the restored Primary is switched back.
The configuration of Frame Bus 1 from slot 1 and Frame Bus 2 from slot 3
cannot be changed, so plan the placement of your GeckoFlex modules to
take advantage of the versatility of this functionality. This section provides
you with some ideas for taking advantage of the full potential of the
Genlock function.
Using the GeckoFlex genlock timing is summarized in examples for the fol-
lowing configurations:
Primary and Secondary redundancy – when the Primary reference is
lost, the Secondary backup reference will replace the Primary.
Using two different Frame Bus references – Frame Bus 1 can be NTSC
Black for example and Frame Bus 2, 1080i 59.94 for HD modules in the
Using Local and Multiple references – the modules in the GeckoFlex
frame can receive the genlock from a local or frame bus source in any