Grass Valley 8900GEN-SM User Manual
Page 12

8900GEN-SM — Instruction Manual
Configuring the Genlock Submodule
, a genlock submodule has been installed on the host
module and configured for full functionality. Note that the name of the host
module (circled in the figure) now has a + GEN extension indicating the
presence of a genlock module.
The web page links for the host GeckoFlex module, shown at left, will now
also include a link to the Genlock web page.
The Genlock module graphic now indicates it is present. The colors of the
graphic boxes and arrows indicate the following in general about the pres-
ence and status of the reference signal(s):
Green – reference signal or bus is enabled, signal is present and locked,
and video/reference input is compatible with reference input frame
Yellow – reference signal is missing, freerunning (invalid), or reference
signal does not match selected genlock standard format.
Gray – reference bus is not enabled or reference signal is not available
or configured for use (no genlock installed).
Figure 2. Status Web Page of Host Module