ATL Telecom AM64/512 User Manual
Page 9

User Guide
User Guide
High Speed Modems
High Speed Modems
A VT100 compatible terminal can be plugged into the 9-way D-type on the rear panel.
The socket is wired as to allow a straight connection to a PC serial port.
There are two versions of VT100 software. The early version requires a separate document for use.
Software versions 3.x and higher consist of an easy to follow menu structure.
In order to initialise VT100 control, plug in the cable between the PC and serial control port. Start up the
VT100 terminal, or Windows based terminal emulator.
Set up the VT100 communications parameters as :
Baud Rate
Baud Rate
: 9600
: 9600
Data Bits
Data Bits
: 8
: 8
Stop Bits
Stop Bits
: 1
: 1
: None
: None
Flow Control
Flow Control
: Hardware
: Hardware
Carefully set up the connection on to the correct PC Com port, initialise power on to the modem and then
follow the steps / options on the monitor.