ATL Telecom AM64/512 User Manual
Page 25

The func tion of the links is as fol lows ;
The fol low ing links should NOT be al tered from the fac tory set tings. Changing any of the links
be low will in val i date both the guar an tee, CE and BABT ap prov als.
LK1 Ex ter nal PLL for Ext tim ing
This link is al ways left in po si tion 1-3
LK2,3 Mon i tor Port Se lec tion These links are al ways left in po si tion 1-3
LK101 RAM size se lec tor 32K / 8K
This link is al ways left in po si tion 1-3
LK102 Flash Pro gram Dis able / En able This link is al ways left in po si tion 1-3
LK200 Con nects sup ply earth to the cir cuit ground The link is float ing in po si tion 1-3
LK201 Watch dog Dis able / En able This link is al ways left in po si tion 1-3
LK203 Vbat to GND This link is al ways left in po si tion 1-3
Only author ised per son nel can be al lowed to open the Line Ter mi nating Unit case to change the
link set tings. Mis use or any mod i fi ca tions car ried out to this unit other than in ac cor dance with the
in struc tions sup plied, will in val i date both the guar an tee and the BABT ap proval.
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