Ascom, Gen eral specifications – ATL Telecom AM64/512 User Manual

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Gen eral Specifications

The Trans mis sion sys tem uses DSP tech niques in volv ing echo can cel la tion and adap tive de ci sion feed back
equa li sa tion. The sys tem is in tended for use on 2/4-wire un con di tioned cop per wire.

Power out put - When the power is set to Auto in the Config Menu (ref er ence sec tion 10.2.6), the power
out put of the unit is 13.5dBm which will au to mat i cally re duce to 12dBm on short lines. If the power is set
to 7.5dBm in the Config Menu then, the power is held at 7.5dBm.

Line codes are 2B1Q and 3B1O.
Line rates are from 64kbps to 1024kbps.

Syn chro nous work ing at all user rates.

Most op tions and fea tures soft ware configurable.

User in ter faces:

X.21 V.11

X.21 bis V.28

X.21 bis V.35

X.21 bis V.36

X.21 bis RS-530

G.703 (64Kbps 120

) Codirectional

Test fa cil i ties:

3c (lo cal loop), 2b (loopback), Re mote Loop, Self Test, Lamp Test, Data Test,

In SVC Test.

Enviromental con di tions: Tem per a ture range

-10 to + 55 deg C

Hu mid ity range

5 % to 95 % rel a tive hu mid ity - non-condensing.

Air pres sure range

70 to 106 kPa

Power sup ply

110 - 260V, 50/60 Hz

Sup ply re quire ments

10W Max

Di men sions

275mm (L) x 250mm (W) x 55mm (H)

Weight 2.1 kg (ex clud ing leads)

All mod els com ply with the fol low ing Eu ro pean di rec tives :










and will carry the CE mark as an in di ca tion of this com pli ance.




User Guide

High Speed Mo dems