Start up guide – Westermo GDW-11 User Manual
Page 25

Start up guide
Follow the steps below to get the unit up and running in a simple application
Default settings of the serial interface are:
… AT+IPR=9600
9.6 kbit/s
… AT+ICF=3,4
8 databits, no parity and 1 stop bit.
… AT+IFC=0,0
RTS/CTS flow control disabled
… AT&D0
DTR signal is ignored.
Start up steps:
… Insert a valid SIM-card with the appropriate services enabled (e.g CSD data
services. GPRS etc)
… Make sure the antenna is connected and placed in the best possible position.
… Power ON the unit and make sure that the PIN code control of the SIM-card
is disabled. This can be done either with the help of a mobile phone or with
the command AT+CLCK. If the PIN code should be enabled in the application,
make sure that the correct PIN code is sent to the modem with the command
… Check on the front of the unit that the NET LED is flashing, this means that
the unit has a connection to the GSM network and that it has registered on
the network.
… Check the received signal quality with the command AT+CSQ. The result value
of the first parameter should be between 10 and 31, the value of the second
parameter should always be 0.
Windows configuration tool GD-Tool
The GD-Tool is a PC – application program with a graphical interface for easy
configuration of the complex functions found in the GDW-11.
Please refer to GD-Tool for a complete description of the functionality of the
Windows program.