Audio recorder – Vuzix M100 Product Guide User Manual
Page 36

Most native applications support the following voice commands:
Voice on
– If voice control is
turned on the Mic icon is present
on the status bar of the M100, and
the M100 is always listening for the
‘Voice On’ command. If you say
‘Voice On’, the Mic will go from
grey to green showing the M100 is
now listening for a voice command.
By default, after 15 seconds of not
hearing any voice commands, the
Mic icon will return to grey, and
the M100 will stop listening for any
command other than ‘Voice On’ and wait to be re-enabled. The 15 second default
timeout can be adjusted through the Settings application under Voice. The range is
in seconds with zero (0) being always listening. The list of recognized voice commands
is growing constantly and may vary from one program to another.
Voice off
– disable voice control (Note: Voice is automatically disabled after 20
seconds with no voice action)
Voice help
– displays a list of possible command words the current
application understands for about 5 seconds
Go back
– back one level in app
Go home
– return to launcher/M100 desktop
Audio Recorder
The Audio Recorder application is a Native M100 application. It can
be controlled standalone by Voice, Buttons, and Gestures; or by
using the Smart Glasses Manager application installed on the
Partner Device.