Verilink NCC 2130 (880-503285-001) Product Manual User Manual

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Verilink NCC 2130 User Manual

C) clocking

Sets the source of the

clock signal used to

control the sampling

of Transmit Data by

the DSU and the

phase relationship of

that clock signal to

Transmit Data.

Use TT whenever the

IDCSU is connected

through a crossover

cable to another DCE

device, such as

another CSU/DSU

(tail circuit timing).

ST — The data port samples the transmit data lead during

the negative going transition of the transmit clock signal

provided by the IDCSU. This is the default setting, which is

most often the best selection.

INV ST — The data port samples the transmit data lead

during the positive going transition of the transmit clock

signal provided by the IDCSU. This setting can be helpful if

sampling errors occur because of a long cable between the

DTE and the DSU, and/or when the data rate is very high.

TT — The data port samples the transmit data lead during

the negative going transition of an external clock signal

provided by the DTE. This external clock is usually the

transmit clock signal which the DSU provides, simply fed

down the cable to the DTE, which wraps it back to the

IDCSU. This is done to control the phase relationship

between the transmit data and the sampling of the data

port. Most types of DTE do not wrap clock back to the DCE,

and with most DTE this feature will not operate. When the

DTE does wrap clock back to the IDCSU, use this feature, as

sampling errors caused by cable-induced phase angles are


G) los lead

Selects a DTE control

lead to be monitored

for a “loss of signal”


Select DTR to monitor Data Terminal Ready, RTS to monitor

Request To Send or NONE to disable LOS detection. When

enabled, an alarm is declared and the EQPT LED blinks red,

red, green whenever the selected lead is not high (on).

T) alm thld

Selects enabling or

disabling thresholds.

(1)disable — Alarm threshold function is shut off.

(2)default — Default values for alarm thresholds are


I) idle code

Selects idle pattern to

be sent in 4K FDL.

Used for ESF circuits

only, no effect on SF.

1(flag's) — idle code of 01111110 is sent in Facilities Data

Link when no other traffic is present

2(one's) — idle code of 11111111 is sent in Facilities Data

Link when no other traffic is present


Selects normal or

forced mode for DTR.

Type “DTR” to


When DTR=Y, (default) the true state of Data Terminal

Ready is ignored and the IDCSU returns DSR.

When DTR=N, the IDCSU returns DSR only when DTR is

asserted by the DTE..


Selects normal or

forced mode for DSR.

Type “DSR” to


When DSR=Y, Data Set Ready is forced on.

When DSR=N (default), DSR is asserted by the IDCSU only

when the DTE asserts DTR.


Selects normal or

forced mode for RTS.

Type “RTS” to


When RTS=Y, the true state of Request To Send is ignored

and the IDCSU transmits data and returns CTS to the DTE.

When RTS=N, (default) the IDCSU transmits data but returns

CTS as a high only when RTS is asserted by the DTE.


Selects normal or

forced mode for CTS.

Type “CTS” to


When CTS=Y, the true state of RTS is ignored and the IDCSU

transmits data and returns Clear To Send to the DTE.

When CTS=N, (default) the IDCSU transmits data but returns

CTS as a high only when RTS is asserted by the DTE.

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